Hello, and welcome again,
We are excited to bring more functions and features to our users. This release marks a milestone, where we have included new modules for the design of diversion weirs and embankement analysis modules. We have also refined previously existing modules to meet the work needs of practitioners.
Key in this release include new modules for diversion weir design and embankment works analysis.
Improved handling of assembly data from AutoCAD environment. The data filtering is now adjusted to accomodate up +/-1Degree on horizontal berms. PRevious versions used to block assemblies with out perfectly horizontal berms.
Improved menu interaction with different view modes. A short cut is also included for the menu command Workflow > Manage Stream Profile...
to allow fast access to manage multiple cross-sections import and editing.
This module is evolving to accomodate more functionality needs, as we continue to test it for verificaiton and application to real world projects. In this release:
Inputing a list of discharge values is now possible, that are used upstream rating curve generation and outlet design works effectively.
Additional design guides included to show broad-crested weir flow limits, and downstream cutoff wall depth limits.
Easier navigation between transverse view and longitudinal view, using Ctrl+T and Ctrl+L keyboard shortcuts.
We are continually integrating latest versions of AutoCAD to our products. AutoCAD 2022 and 23 are now supported with our applications.
:warning: NOTE: The applications are being fully tested on these latest AutoDESK products, and the test is not completed. Please let us know if you encounter any issues, and we will be glad to help.