Hello, and welcome again,
We are excited to bring more functions and features to our users. This release includes major and minor enhancements to the iCAD product suite - mainly Diversion Weir Design module and Surface modelling modules. Learn about the update features and functions included in this release below.
Key in this release include new modules for diversion weir design and embankment works analysis.
Major and minor contours can now be generated in one go, reducing the number of steps needed to achieve a complete presentation drawing.
Production of contour lines to AutoCAD environment now transfers elevation information in both individual and via buffer options.
A new algorithm called GridFit is included for contour generation. The developers claim that it is a better algorithm that can overcome the inherent limitations of GridContour. It offers better control of smoothness, fail safe computation.
For a quick preview of differences, compare below figure with that shown above.
Reference: John D’Errico (2024). Surface Fitting using gridfit (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/8998-surface-fitting-using-gridfit), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved September 28, 2024.
TeraForm module is enhanced as follows:
Simplified data input for assemblies and their design levels, and/or tracers. This saves time for inputs of constant value assembly components. The dialog checks automatically user inputs for validity with in the usable elevation range from the cross-section data.
The same funtion is included for tracer bee inputs as shown below. Here also, automatic data verification is carried out based on the available cross-section data. Both +ve and -ve values are acceptable.
Additionally, a key enhancement is included to avoid the need to reference assembly elements from AutoCAD. Sloped berms are also acceptable, and the strict requirement to have perfectly horizontal berms is removed.
Added flexibility of design with Workflow > Relaease pool length
menu command. This command allows interactive positoning for the downstream appron end (applicable for TypeI jumps only).
Automatic check for Free flow condition at outlet by using modularity ratio. The result is shown in the text summary.
Improved report contents (removed inconsistencies, and missing values for baffle blocks).
Rating curves are now computed for provided input values and reported accordingly.
Broad crested weir performance indicator is included, and a text report shown in longitudinal profile view.
Included a guide marker for cutoff depth fulfilling safe exit gradient criteria in HFL and NPL flow conditions. Similarly, a marker is provided for end of pool location (for Type I jumps).
Staged bottom profile can now be created by providing the proper option in `Workflow > Variable Editor’.
An elevation view is introduced for outlets (available for both Left and Right outlets). The variables involved are also reviewd to allow flexible design. A new variable is included for abutment extension length to accomdate longer outlet walls that may be needed.
A bug is resolved on jump length calculation, maintaining design ONLY for design discharge value. Also improved contents of reports for baffle block designs.
We are continually integrating latest versions of AutoCAD to our products. AutoCAD 2022 and 23 are now supported with our applications.
:warning: NOTE: The applications are being fully tested on these latest AutoDESK products, and the test is not completed. Please let us know if you encounter any issues, and we will be glad to help.