iCAD offers the Diversion Weir Design product to handle the design of weirs and regulating structures in an interactive environment, allowing engineers to solve design and analysis tasks for diversion weirs and canal headwork structures on previous foundations.
Note: this module is developed for the design of weirs on previous foundations. However, owing to the fact that many of the surface hydraulic analysis follow the same principle, it may be used to assess and design weirs on different foundation material with due diligence.
Note: This module covers all design aspects, except the design of abutment structures which is solved using a different module.
The Diversion weir module is developed to entertain the design of water diversion structures that are typically used for irrigation projects. the module has the following capabilities
The operating limits of the module include the following.
The following conventions are used when defining views in design, analysis and presentation of diversion weir structures. The figure below represents these conventions.
Draw Weir Axis, from Left to Right, Face-Downstream view
Transverse design is drawn in Face-Downstream view
Longitudinal view drawn facing the left-bank (facing downstream).
The following features are under development, and will be available as soon as they are completed.
iCAD software handles the design using the Diversion Weir Design module. The module requires:
a weir axis object defined in AutoCAD, that is referenced, and contains sufficient profile data
a river/stream section downstream of the weir axis, that is solved for stage-disharge relations using the CnanelRateWSPRO module.
The module creates a tentative design using default parameters, and displays that design. Other project specific data and information are provided in-process. There are two steps to input these informations:
A typical weir design task using iCAD follows the steps outlined below.
To use this module, prepare three objects:
a data host object, as described here under.
The weir Axis object: The axis line should cover the expected weir position in the head work area and some more. Draw the axis using the AutoCAD polyline tool, and reference it to axes pairs drawn to AutoCAD WCS. Run a profile extraction session with sufficient offset detail for both incremental distance and offsetbdistance. Often it may suffice to use 2.5m intervals, using -10:2.5:20.
Rated Downstream section: This object is the river cross-section profile, processed using ChannelRate_WSPRO module, and containing solved data for the stage-discharge relation ship to be used. This must be located some distance downstream of the expected weir end.
:bulb: Tip: To Check appropriate data are readily available on the cross-section object, collect the object to the workspace, click on it, and hit the Preview Data on Current Object tool button. If the data is available, the data preview table interface launches listing the stored data..
Note: This object is not required during session definition. However, it is required immediately upon running the defined session,
The Date Host Object: A third object is needed to complete the session definition. This object stores all the information regarding the design process at all times. Any object can be used as a host. It is strongly recommended to use the appropriate shape from CAD Tools > Create Host Objects
. To create the
host object:
CadTools > Create Host Objects
button.This will do two things:
1) reshape the starter object to take the desired shape, and
2) assign a Tag string to the Object, that makes it easy to identify it in subsequent processes.
NOTE: If this object in AutoCAD is DELETED, all the information saved will be inaccessible permanently.
Before defining a new session, it is best practice to clear iCAD work space from the workspace browser or Ctrl
. Then continue as follows:
Start Workspace Manager from Session > Workspace Manager
Define a new session using Sessions > Create & Run New Session
. On the Module Browser dialog, select DiversionWeirDesign
module, and hit Continue
On the Define Session dialog, give the session a related name to the task, and hit Ok
In the New Session dialog, two object types are rquired. Click on the first one, go to AutoCAD and pick the Host object created above. Do the same for the second object type, and go to AutoCAD to pick the weir axis object.
Tip: iCAD DataLiview status bar will report OK for each successful association of the object with the object type. When association is successful, object types are marked [x], and the
Run Session
button is active.
The session is now completely defined and is set to the active session. Hit
the Run Session button to begin the solution. On prompt to pick the rated river section. Choose Pick in AutoCAD
, and select the solved cross section object.
If all data are available as expected, the module will start by displaying the transverse cross-section view of the structure. This is the default starting view for the module.
Often the first design sub-task is the transverse design of the weir structure. Simply put, this is the positioning and dimensioning of key components of the weir structure across the stream (and along the weir axis.).
To change from any view to this view, go to Workflow > Transverse View.
Note, the module automatically positions the structure as follows:
center of overflow span located to the center of the river. The river center along the weir axis line, is taken to be the station where the minimum elevation is recorded from the profile data.
Right and left position of the overflow span located at equal distance from the identified center line
The weir crest level is determined based on the default weir height given.
Overflow depth is calculated for the default discharge, available overflow span and default coefficient of discharge.
Numerous variables are set by default to create the tentative design in
the first place. These parameters can be accessed from Workflow > Edit
menu command (Ctrl+E).
Below each category of variables is presented with detail.
The hydraulic parameters are used to determine the upstream flow hydraulics, and corresponding structural components such as abutment elevation and total width.
NO | Variable Name | Default Values | Notes |
1 | Coefficient of Discharge, Cd | 1.704 | Number value representing the anticipated overflow condition over the weir span. 1.0<= Cd <=2.0 |
3 | Calculation Method for Cd | User | There are five methods. 1. User Input Value (The default method, uses the user input value above 2. Critical Flow method 3. Momentum Eqn 4. Bos Equation 5. Salmasi |
3 | Discharge Range(m3/sec) | 100 | The maximum design discharge (peak flood) for which design is desired. 1.0<Q<=1000 |
See technical notes at the end of this page for details on each method of rating curve determination.
These group of variables determine the key deisgn level and span parametrs for the structure, that determine the its hydraulic performance.
No | Variable Name | Default Values | Notes |
1 | Weir Crest Elevation | Calculated | Calculated crest elevation, from the sum of:
Accepted Range of Values: displayed on the popup menu. The minimum and maximum values of crest elevation are determined based on allowable ranges for weir height (see longitudinal view). |
2 | Overflow Span(excl. Scour Bays) (m) | 15.0 | The clear overflow length of the weir, excluding divide wall and other provision (if any). Accepted Range of Values: |
3 | Wall Free Board (m): | 0.500 | Free board provision above upstream energy grade line (US EGL). Acceptable Range of Values: 0.5<=FB<=3.0 |
4 | Abutment Location, Left (m) | -1.0 | Left side abutment location measured from the start of axis. -1 indicates centered automatic positioning with respect to the river center line. Accepted Range of Values, -1 <=Xl<=Inf Setting this value will reposition the Right abutment location as well, based on values set for other variables. |
Note: Some variables affect others as well, but their effects will only be seen once the settings are applied.
These values are a sequence of settings dictating the shape and length of segments of the abutment wall portion beyond the upstream and downstream aprons, and on each side of the weir.
The values are input as Angle, Length Pair. The angle is measured from abutment wall extension as shown below. {br}
FIgure showing dimensions and naming used for abutment size and shape definition.
Table of Abutoment Provission Variables.
No | Variable Name | Default Values | Notes |
1 | Angle & Length of Abutment Extension, US Left (Deg, m) | [45.000, 5.000, 90.000, 3.000] | Minimum input size: 2 Maximum input size: 6; Acceptable range of values: 0<=values <=90; |
2 | Angle & Length of Abutment Extension, DS Left (Deg, m) | [60.000, 7.000] | |
3 | Angle & Length of Abutment Extension, US Right (Deg, m) | [45.000, 5.000, 90.000, 3.000] | |
4 | Angle & Length of Abutment Extension, DS Right (Deg, m) | [60.000, 7.000] |
Extension Length(m) is a new variable included to allow variable abutment wall lengths in the left and right direction.
This completes definition of the weir structure in the transverse view. As these are defined, the overflow hydraulics is computed and displayed, ready fo the next step of longitudinal design.
Longitudinal design handles the sizing and detailing of the weir elements in the longitudinal direction. This involves working on a number of components mainly the main overflow section and the sluice bay section.
The user can change between these different views from the workflow menu. Depending on whether sluice bays are provided, and on which side, the available number of longitudinal section views vary. of sluice bays, the available views also vary.
The overall sizing of the elements of the weir are as follows.
Here’s the extracted table data from your image:
NO | Variable Names | Default Value | Notes |
1 | Height of Weir(m) | 1.500 | The height of the weir body, measured from the upstream apron level. Acceptable Range of Values: 1.0<=hu<=2.5m |
2 | US Apron Level(m) | Calculated | User supplied value representing the level for the upstream apron level; silt deposit level to be considered for design. Allowable Range of Values: minRBL-1<= Level <=minRBL+1 |
2 | Height of Silt Deposit(m) | 0.000 | The silt deposit level to be considered for design. Allowable Range of Values: 0<= hs<=1000 1000 denotes maximum height up to the height of the weir. |
3 | Top Width of Weir(m) | 0.500 | The length of the crest of the weir, measured in the direction of flow. Allowable Range of Values: 0.5<=Tw<=5.0 |
4 | U/S Flare width(m) | 0.500 | The length of the upstream inclined face measured horizontally from the tip of the weir crest. Allowable Range of Values: 0<=f<=2.0 |
5 | D/S Glacis slope(H:1V) | 1.000 | The slope of the downstream glacis of the weir body. Allowable Range of Values: 1<=m<=4 |
6 | Toe Depth(-) | US | The source of value for the depth of the downstream end of the weir. Allowable values: US= use the thickness of the upstream apron. DS= use the thickness of the downstream apron. |
7 | Bottom Key Dims(m) | [0.500, 0.500] | Dimensions of key provisions on upstream end of the weir, specifying vertical drop and horizontal offset from the upstream apron level at the toe of the weir. Allowable values: h, w >0 (Minimum apron thickness is maintained if lesser value of kv is used). |
8 | Total Longitudinal Length (m) | 15.000 | Overall length of the weir structure from upstream to downstream aprons. Allowable values: 7.0<Lt<=50 |
9 | Length of Approach Section(m) | 1.500 | Length of upstream apron from the weir Allowable values: 0<=Lu<=5.0' |
Note the following key positions set automatically:
For ogee shaped weirs, this would be the top of the location of the axis would match the top of the nappe.
The upstream apron level is situated equal to the minimum river bed level. However, the user can raise or lower this posision slightly. Other positions on the weir structure and its components are based on this key parameter.
Bottom Key provissions can be made using 5 entries as sfollows.
[kv, kh, m, L1, L2].
Figure below shows their definition.
Figure showing key longitudinal dimensions of a diversion weir.
This view displays the section along the main overflow region. It allows to handle the main design tasks of (a) surface flow analysis, (b) Sub-surface flow analysis, (c) downstream apron design. These are presented below.
Surface flow condition for the entire length of the structure, i.e., upstream, over flow, and downstream sections, are automatically evaluated for the current geometric and hydraulic set of parameters.
The upstream flow hydraulics is estimated from solutions of Bosenisques energy equation at different sections. For ogee shaped weirs, the emperical relations from Ref 2 are used assuming a vertical upstream face and no piers.
The downstream flow hydraulics is determined by analyzing the type of expected hydraulic jump in relation to the prevalent tail water depth condition.
The plotted flow surfaces and text info highlight the results.
(For details on these calculations, see Technical Notes section further below.)
Figure for surface flow clalculation and water surface profile determination.
It is imperative to note the following default settings and understand how the module positions the key elevations for the weir structure:
The flow surface profile created is a result of the calculations made according to the provisions in the Technical Notes (further down this page)
IMPORTANT NOTE: We underline the design approach followed in developing this module again. The appron length is determined by the Froude number. The Froude Number depends on the energy difference, which is determined based on the appron length. It is therefore impertive to Refresh until pool level values stop changing, before accepting design values.
Subsurface flow analysis is also automatically carried out, as a function of the dimensions and position of the different components of the structure. Khosla’s solution to the theory of seepage is used to determine the variation of subsurface pressure along the bottom of the structure.
For details, see the technical notes section.
The variation is calculated and plotted for two key design conditions:
Maximum flood level (HFL) condition
Pool Level flow (NPL) flow condition.
These are presented in the overflow section view, shown in dotted lines in below figure. They are automatically calculated every time dimensions are revised.
These determined pressure lines are used to estimate the magnitude of unbalanced hydrostatic pressure at the bottom of the downstream apron, to determine its thickness.
The following parameters pertain to the determination and use of subsurface hydraulic pressure variation.
Table of variables for Curoff dimensions and values.
No | Variable Name | Default Value | Notes |
1 | U/S Cutoff Thickness(m) | 0.500 | Thickness Of upstream cutoff wall. Allowable Range of Values: 0.05<tu<0.5 |
2 | U/S Cutoff Depth(m) | 0.800 | Depth of upstream cutoff wall measured below upstream apron level (after thickness ta). Allowable Range of Values: 0.5<=du<=5.0 |
3 | Int Cutoff Thickness(m) | 0.500 | Thickness Of intermediate cutoff wall. Allowable Range of Values: 0.05<tu<0.5 |
4 | Int Cutoff Depth(m) | 2.000 | Depth of intermediate cutoff wall measured from depressed invert level of the downstream end of the weir body. Allowable Range of Values: 0.0<=du<=5.0 ti=0.0 indicates no intermediate cutoff wall. |
5 | D/S Cutoff Thickness(m) | 0.500 | Thickness Of downstream cutoff wall. Allowable Range of Values: 0.1<tu<0.5 |
6 | D/S Cutoff Depth(m) | 0.800 | Depth of downstream cutoff wall measured after the minimum apron thickness provision (below pool depth). Allowable Range of Values: 0.5<=du<=5.0 |
It is common practice to use estimated scour depths to fix the cutoff depth of the upstream cutoff. The module provides guidance of these locations below the upstream cutoff wall as shown below (marked inside elipse).
Each of these lines represent the recommended scour depths. According to Lacey’s the depth of scour below the HFL (high flood level) is given by the following relation ship.
R= 1.35(q^2^/f1)^2^
Where, f1 is the silt factor determined from median size of river material dmean as foloows:
Note: Mean bed material size (dmean) is set in the Material Properties group of variables availble on longitudinal view.
The depth guidelines generated are therefore located at depths of 1.25R, 1.5R, and 1.75R. The upstream curoff depth can be positioned to meet requirements using these as visual guides.
The design of downstream appron or the stilling basin of the weir structure is based on the key dimensions provided as input. These are found in the Appron Dimensions variable group, and are set according to the descriptions in below table.
No | Variable Name | Default Value | Notes |
1 | Minimum Apron Thickness(m) | 0.450 | Minimum apron thickness to maintain across the length of the structure. Allowable Range of Values: 0.30<ta<=1.0 |
2 | Jump Mechanism (-) | TypeI | The choice of USBR Type energy dissipation mechanism in the downstream pool. Allowable values: Type I, TypeII, TypeIII, TypeIV. |
3 | Pool Depth(m) | 0.400 | Depth of the downstream pool, below the end sill level of the weir. Allowable Range of Values: 0<=dp<=2.0 |
4 | Pool End Chamfer(-) | 1.000 | Slope of end chamfer for pool exit. Allowable Range of Values: 0.00<dc<=2.0 |
5 | Thickness Point(m) | 0.000 | Points along the downstream apron to simplify the bottom geometry of the apron thickness measured as a ratio of the apron length. Allowable range of values: 0<= la <= 0.70 0 means apply thickness as calculated (curved bottom results) a maximum of two values can be specified. |
6 | Thickness Type | Sloped | Type of apron thickness to apply. Allowable values: Sloped: Use key points as slope inflexion points Staged: Apply calculated thickness in section of uniform segments |
7 | Unbalanced Pressure use | MFL | Source of unbalanced pressure head to use in sizing the apron thickness. Allowable values: MFL: use subsurface HGL for maximum flood level NPL: use subsurface HGL for normal pool level condition MAX: Calculate for both conditions, and take the maximum. |
Refer to Technical Notes below for details on the provission for different types of energy dessipators.
Once the variables are set to desired values, the design of the downstream apron is carried out by calculating the unbalanced pressure acting on the apron, using the specifics detailed above. Three possible evaluations can be made:
Unbalanced head for high flood level conditions
Unbalanced head for normal flow conditions (upstream water at pool level, and downstream no water condition)
the maximum of the two conditions.
Once the unbalanced head is determined using one of the methods, the thickness at various points along the length of the downstream apron are determined from the below relation ship.
Here h’ represent the magnitude of the unbalanced head above the bottom of the floor level, t is the thickness of the apron, and $\rho_{s}$ and $\rho$ are the densities of the apron material and water respectively.
Figures demonstrate the results of apron thickness design with and with out thickness points specified, respectively.
Staged profile can be applied to bottom of approns, with the following result.
The longitudinal view also allows the analysis of overall stability of the weir body. This is done by following standard procedures in practice, determining the magnitudes of all acting forces on the weir body, evaluating their momentum.
The result is summarized in the schematic presentation, similar to the one shown below.
One can see that:
All moments are calculated with respect to pivot point at toe of the weir (shown in asterisk above figure).
FS-OT (Factor of safety against overturning) is calculated and shown, along with the resultant of all acting forces
The crossing of the resultant on the bottom surface is also shown, with the middle-third highlighted in green.
:bulb: Important Note: Stability analysis is carried out neglecting any downstream water below the toe of the weir body. However, pressure due to sub-surface flow is accounted fully. As such, FOS determined form fully submerged weirs is not in the scope of the current release.
The variables relevant to stability analysis, can also be edited from the overflow section view. They are listed below.
The safety parameters variable group values are set according to the following table.
NO | Variable Name | Default Values | Notes |
1 | Safety Exit Gradient | 0.167 | Safe exit gradient value for the river bed material. Allowable Range of Values: 0< GExit < 0.50 |
2 | Safety Against Overturning | 1.500 | Limiting factor of safety against overturning. Allowable range of values: 1.2<=FS-OT <=2.0 |
Sluice bays, if provided, are taken in to consideration in the
positioning and sizing of the diversion structure. A cross-section view
can be generated and viewed for each of the left and right sluice bays,
as provided. These views can be accessed from the Workflow
menu as shown below.
The sluice bay parameters discussed earlier on the Transverse Design section, are at play in this view, and can also be edited from this view.
The view provides adequate information on results of hydraulic analysis for both HFL and NPL conditions. The presented discharge capacities of the bays are calculated as follows:
The maximum opening size for sluice gates are calculated based on sill crest height, gate proud height, the weir height and abutment height.
NPL Condition: Gates are fully open, and critical flow prevails, with un-submerged hydraulic jump downstream
HFL condition: Gates are fully open, and under sluice flow prevails, with free or submerged flow conditions.
Total capacity of each bay is determined by multiplying the discharge through one bay by the number of bays provided.
The variables for the sluice bay section design are defined as shown in below table.
The schematic below shows a right side sluice bay, with three bays, and a slightly raised crest. The gate dimensions are automatically sized and sketched.
The size of the gate for the sluice bays are uniform. The width equals the width of the bays, and the height is determined from the maximum of:
See Technical notes, to learn how sluice bay capacity is determined.
Refer to technical notes for textbook details on the hydraulic calculations implemented.
This view allows the design and analysis of outlets on either - or both - sides of the diversion weir. The view can be accessed from Workflow > Outlet Section View (Left) and Workflow > Outlet Section View (Right).
The view positions the outlet relative to the crest level of the weir and the upstream apron level. The following are key assumptions used.
critical flow prevails on entering the outlet tunnel
The available width of the outlet is set equal to the width of the offtaking canal.
The invert level for the top slap is provided by applying the clearance value desired above the crest level of the weir (NPL).
The FSL in the offtaking canal is determined from NPL elevation less the desired driving head. This sizes the canal by solving the manning’s flow equation for uniform flow for the specified canal geometry and bed slope.
The gate height is determined from the resulting opening width set equal to the bottom width of the off-taking canal, and height set to the bottom of the top slab + 10cms.
The design process follows below steps:
Important Tip The CBL invert (and the corresponding FSL) can be adjusted by varying the available driving head.
The resulting flow condition is also shown in the diagram.
Important Note: Notice, the text to check if conditions for free flow are fulfilled, before accepting the design. This is true for z>0.5H, i.e., the headloss is at least half the flow depth above sill level.
The settings responsible for the hydraulic design and sizing of the outlet structure are located in two views:
Outlet Capcity in the Transverse Back to Toc
The capacity of each outlet for diverting discharge amounts is set while in Transverse View as shown below.
The values prescribe the amount of water expected at the left and right side outlets, respectively.
Note: If scour bay’s are not provided, there will be no outlet provission.
Outlet Canal Settings in Section View Back to Toc
The following settings are available in section view to adopt the outlet canal dimensions and orientation.
The variables and their settings are explained in below table.
No | Variable Name | Default Values | Notes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | Outlet Canal Distance (Left, Right):(m) | 5.000 | The (display) distance of the outlet canal from the Abutment wall face.
2 | Driving Head (m) | 0.200 | Driving head to consider between the crest level (i.e., Normal pool level flow condition) and the offtaking canal FSL flowing at design capacity.3 |
Manning's Roughness, N(-) |
0.014 |
Roughness value of the outlet canal, used in determining the normal flow depth for the canal geometry specified. | 4 |
Canal Side Slope (-) |
1.000 |
Side slope of the offtaking canal | 5 |
Design B to D ratio(-) |
-1.000 |
B?D ratio to be used in sizing the canal for the specified design capacity. |
6 |
Bed Slope, So(m/m) |
1000.000 |
Bed slope of the offtaking canal
| 7 |
Freeboard, FB(m) |
-1.000 |
Freeboard for offtaking canal.
8 |
Canal Lining type, Ltyp(-) |
0.000 |
The lining type desired for the offtaking canal.
| 9 |
Lining Thickness, Thk(m) |
0.300 |
Lining thickness |
10 |
Foundation Thickness, THK(m) |
0.600 |
Foundation thickness. |
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