Hello and Welcome Again,
We are thrilled and excited to bring to you yet another enhanced version of Version 2.5 of CanalNETWORK and DrainNETOWRK, including major updates.
In this release we provide updates for better user experience, and bug fixes found while testing previous releases.
Big Thankyou, EEC for your trust, contributions and support.
Happy Designing!
Team Quanomic.
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Update your version of CanalNETWORK product as follows:
Download the update resoruces from Latest CanalNETWORK update resources
The latest is Version
Accompanied by Version V4.9.3 of iCAD Bridge Application.
Important Note: Make sure AutoCAD is closed before you continue. If not, your update may not work, and require time to sort out. This release contains updates to the iCAD Bridge application.
Start your product, go to Help > Updates...
Then choose Manual
option. This will ask to close the application and re-start. Choose Exit
to agree, and continue.
Upon restart, the launcher application will ask if you would like to download or manually update. Choose Manually
. On the file explorer, point to your downloaded resource file. The rest will be handled by the launcher.
Key improvements are made for the period that cover a range of topics identified by our team, as well as user.
The context menu command available for editing drops is made available to designed bedlevels, allowing even more flexibility and contorl on vertical design of canals.
Improved handling of invlaid routes on import, this time for L<25unit routes. In previous versions, these routes were reported, but not effectively removed from the import collection.
Included B/D ratio specifically for lined canals, using recommended equation. The canal sections of lined segments are now designed accordingly. This feature automatically detects the lining settings (in Construciton Variables) and applies the ratio as needed. Users can still override design criteria settings manually, to apply or remove lining on a given canal generation.
Improved route coloring algorithm. This function now works for sub routes, as well as respects dummy routes if found. The assigned colors are also consistent between sessions.
Typical drawing can now be built in to deployed applications. Currently, drops, division boxes and turnouts are included. In the future, outfall structures will be included for drainage works. This meanse, the users can import these drawings to their autocad environment, ensuring consistency in production. A new menu command is introduced for this action.
In addition, documentation is continually enhanced and updated to reflect the changes in software algorithms and functioanlities.
The product is under development to meet user expectations in design workflow. In this release the following funcitons are included:
The lognitufinal design algorithm is improved further to better account for CTL-OGL=0 condition at the begining of feeder canals in the network, as well as setting invert levels at the begining of canals.
Abiilty to reset Outfall heights at junction nodes. The values set to this variable at any node used to be persistent, requiting back and forth to adjust. Now the user can input an empty character to reset it. This value is set automatically based on prevailing terrain condition and hydraulics.
The Resize tool is enbanced to now reet control invert levels to project preferences (Node Invt Level=-0.5 by default, or setting provided by the user and removes outfall height settings. We notice this can accelerate design processes.