
About Design Criteria

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Establishing a set of design criteria is the basis of design work. These data are also the key input data for tackling the sizing and detailing of a network of canal system in CanalNETWORK.

Design criteria in CanalNETWORK, specifically refer to a list of parameters that defined and set to a specific value correponding to the design task required. This parameter list is constantly refered to by numerous design tasks, with out the need for the user to input data every now and then.

Note: As parameters in Design Criteria set are constantly refered to in the design process, it is IMPORTANT to spend adequate time to set values. This will save significant time later.

Table of Contents

The following groups of criteria set are defined and available in the software:

  1. CBL Design Settings: These parameters are used to dictate the placement (position) and size of drops when creating canal bed level design information.

  2. Command Criteria: The parametrs in this group determine commanding variables related to the supply and distribution of water in the network.

  3. Construction Variables: These parameters define the assembly information for canal sections to be used when creating cut and fill section geometries.

  4. Hydraulic Design Variables: As in above, these parameters set design specifications for the geometrical shape and size of the flow section to be used for water conveyance.

These groups of parameters are carefully set for each level of canal that may exist in the project. In a typical project, for instance, MC, SC, TC, QC and FC may exist. For such a project, there are five levels (or generations) of canals, and each level is provided a separate set of values for the above group of parametrs.

Detail Definition of Design Criteria Parameters

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Before diving in to detail discussion of parametrs and their meaning, it is worth while to understand the concept of controls.

Controls are points along a canal route that may represent a phyisical structure (e.g., turnout, division box) or a theoretical control point which is known to result in a change of either hydraulic parameter, geometrical shape of canal section, or other. As such, controls define segments of a canal route. Each segment is therefore comprised of well known and fixed hydraulic and geometrical paramters.

In the sample network of canals shown below, the MC canal feeds four sub canals. Therefore, the branch locaitons represent a physical control point. As can be seen in the correponding profile view, these are represented by solid vertical bars. In plan view they are represented with small circles as Nodes. Such controls are automatically identified and positioned by the software.

The user can also introduce fictious controls for design purposes. This could be to change the hydraulic characterisics or the construciotn details of a canal reach. The

Controls are built on a number of Node, and Segment Assembly parameters. These parameters represent hydraulic and geometric conditions UPSTREAM of the control. Changing a parameter on a control, therfore, affects ONLY the canal reach or segment located upstream of that control.

In essence, therfore, design criteria values constitute the node and geometry parameters of controls in the entire network, depending on the location of the controls. The below sections present a detailed desctiption of each parameter in the design criteria set, and discuss how they impact design or hydraulic behaviour.

CBL Design Settings

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These parameters are used to dictate the placement (position) and size of drops when creating canal bed level design information.

Note: CanalNETWORK software automatically designs canal bed level information, and ALWAYS uses the values for in this group of Design Criteria parameters.

Prefered/ Max Drop Height(m):

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There are different ways to set value for this parameter

Fig showing Drops created using a set of three values. Whenever feasible with in presctibed prefered control spacing (150m in this case) the prefered heigh is applied. If not increment/ or decrement is applied. This results in a vaiable drop height design

Fig showing Drops created using a single value that specifies a standard drop heigh (in this case 1.50meters).

Note: In each case, the last drop is automatically sized to meet the remaining head loss in the canl reach. The values above do not control the last drop in a reach.

Minimum Drop Height(m):

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This value specifies the minimum allowed drop height in the canal segment. All drops inserted will observe this limit, except the last drop.

Min. Control Spacing (m):

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This parameter specifies the minimum allowable spacing between drop structures. CBL generated attempts to ALWAYS maintain the provisions in this parameter when positioning drop structures.

There are two ways to set and use this parameter:

Fit Height

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This parameter dictates how canal bed levels are positioned with respect to prevailing OGL along the profile of the canal route. Values impact behaviour of design as follows:

Note: If fitHt is set to -99 (not applicable), the control invert level is automatically calculated and set. Hence, the user can not manually raise or lower the invert levels. To allow this, the user must clear this value and set a proper value.

FIt Type

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The setting in this parameter is used to determine where in the reach drops must be located:

Figure showing drop positioning along a canal reach using First and Last options.

Command Criteria

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The parameters in this group of Design criteria set the governing hydraulic parameters for the canal network system, inview of desired operational conditions.

Canal Duty (l/sec/ha)

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This value is derived from cropping pattern and climatic conditions of the irrigaiton area, The values are determined for the different canal levels depednig on expected operational losses. This value is used to size all the canal segments in the network according to the following relation ship:

Qi= dutyi x Ai

where Ai is the cummulated area that each segment serves downstream.

Note: Area served by each canal and its segment is automatically cummulated. However, the either draw farm blocks in AutoCAD and import them to the network workspace, or use AutoEstimate tool to define the area seved by each feeder (lowest level) canal. The software then handles the cummulating of areas upstream toward the first level canal.

Min FSL-OGL @ Controls(m)

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This value controls the invert level of all the controls along a canal with reference to desired FSL level over prevailing OGL at the control. Two ways are available:

Figure showing FSL-OGL conditions at control for a criteria settinhg of 0.50m

FSL-OGL Control type

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This must ALWASYS be set to US Control. It specifies that Min driving head calculations are made with reference to FSL upstream of the control.

Min FSL-OGL @Reach(m)

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This value can be set to help design process by showing which parts of a canal reach meet this requirement, and which do not.

Figure showing FSL-OGL values graphically, showing areas that meet or exceed the MIN FSL-OGL=0.50 Note: The figure is example only, and this criteria may not be required to be set for MC type canals.

Min Drv. Head @Control(m)

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This value dictates the head to be maintained at each junciton node (or control structure) when positioning bed levels for branch canals. This value is ALWAYS maintained between FSL of parent canal and FSL of branch canal. However, the final CBL for the branch canal also depends on the Branch Invert Raise parameter setting below,

Figure showing bed level of Branch Canal (SC_2) with respect to parent canal (MC) based on Min Drv Head value of 0.30 (a) Branch Invert Raise= Free, (b) Branch Invert raise= Fixed). It can be seen that in the second figure, the CBL branch level is fixed at the same level as that of the parent canal.

Branch Invert Raise (-):

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This value dicates how invert level for branch canals is set with respect to CBL of parent canal at the control location:

Construction Variables

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This group of design criteria parameters dictates the assembly information for canal flow section (Lined or unlined), and their placement with respect to prevailing ground level variation in transverse direction (using cut and fill shape specificaiton).

The following schematic drawing gives a general overview of possible canal flow sections, and position with respect to prevailing ground condition in the transverse direction.

Canal Lining type, Ltyp(-)

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Specifies if a canal segment is provided with lining, and the type of lining:

Figure showing Unlined, Lined (Thin) and Lined (Thick) flow sections.


Figure showing capped thin lining and how it is sized

Important Note: If an equation is used for B/D ratio, and a canal linning provision (Thin or Thick) will redesign the cross-section using a B/D= 0.03*Q+1;

Lining Thickness, Thk(m)

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This parameter sets the value representing the thickness of lining to be applied (See above for Canal Lining Type). A minimum value of 0.001m and a maxiumum value of 0.50 is allowed.

Foundation Thickness, THK(m)

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This sets the value for the thickness of the canal lining at the bottom (See above for Canal Lining Type). A minimum value of 0.3 and a maximum value of 0.6 are allowed.

Earth cut shape, Smc(-)

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This parameter specifies how the formation level varies in the transverse direction in cut conditions. The values are supplied in triplets, and upto three triplets are allowed. Each triplet has the specification [w, m, h].

Figure showing a canal section in cut using double entry specification

Earth fill shape, Smf(-)

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This parameter serves the same function as Earth Cut Shape parameter above, but in Fill condition.

Figure showing a canal section in cut using single and double entry specification.

Complex Cut and Fill Shapes

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There are a number of ways to create complex cut and fill shapes in canal segments. These can be applied to the design criteria content, or to the contents of each segment.

Important Note: For any segment, the number of entries for both Cut Shape and Fill shape variables must be equal.

Recent versions can handle varied data lengths, but ONLY during longitudinal design stage. Expect errors or stalled application response if this is not sorted out in design criteria. In case this happens, review design criteria settings, and resize the network. This should resolve the issue.


In above figure, it can be seen that the fill shape has 2 triplets of B,m,H. In the cut shape however, single triplet is considered sufficient. To mock this condition, a second triplet of B,m,h is used but the B and m for the second triplet are set to 0.051 (the smallest value allowed), and 1.5 (same as that for first triplet), respectively.

An other way to create complex cut and fill shapes is to use the Canal Top Provission variable. This allows for the provission of extra berms at canal top level, in addition to the first B value entries set in Cut and Fill shapes described above. The convnention for setting this variable is as follows:

Hydraulic Design

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This is the last group of parameters in the Design Criteria set. It detemines how canal flow sections are sized and positioned for the diffenernt segments in all of the canal network. For a given canal level, the following parametrs and their uses apply:

Min. Design Discharge(m3/sec)

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This value overrides canal capcity determined from Duty (above) and area served. The final value used to size the canal segment is tha maximum of:

This if of typical use in lower level canals, where small areas may result in discharge capacities smaller than practically feasible canal capacities.

Design B to D ratio(-)

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This setting determines the bottom width to depth ration to be used on the design of flow sections for canal segments. Three values are possible:

The built in table is represented as a chart as follows. (Source: USBR Recommended values)

Limiting Velocity(m/sec)

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Limiting velocity prescribe the minimum and maximum allowable velocities, consequtively, in any given segment. These are used to guide design of flow sections, along with Shear stress value prescriptions. (See below table on Default Design Criteria)

The drop down list for setting limiting velocity looks similar to the below figure.


Note that, upon user choice the minimum velocity is always set to a default of 0.30m/sec. The user chooses the maximum allowable velocity. The value is set based on the average of the range indicated in the dropdown list.

For instance, in the figure, a user chooses values for Firm Clay Loom soil type with a range of 0.90-1.15, the average value of 1.0 is set, as shown in the table. The dropdown range options and associated values are shown here.

Soil Type Range Value Set Value
Sandy Soil 0.3-0.60 0.45
Black Cotton Soil 0.6-0.90 0.75
Firm Clay Loom 0.9-1.15 1
Gravel 1.2-2.0 1.6
Hard Rock >3.0 4
Concrete ~6 6
Steel Lining 10 10

Max. All. Shear Stress (Kg/m2)

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This variable defines the maxium allowable shear stress for a canal segment in Kg/sq. meter or N/ (equivalent). As in Limiting Velocity value, this is also used to guide design of flow sections.

Figure showing flow seciotn design with interactive update of current velocity and shear stress values, compared to set criteria values. Here, The shear stress limit of 3N/mm2 is exceeded, while velocity is still with in Limits.

Mannings Roughness, N(-)

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The value of mannings roughness coeficient for the canal segment in question.

Freeboard, FB(m)

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Specifies the free board provision for flow section design in one of two ways:

The table of values for free board estimation are as follows:

Canal Side Slope, m(-)

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Specifies the side slope of the wetted canal section (H:1V)

Bed Slope, So(m/m)

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Specifies the bed slope of the canal segment. The minimum (Steepest) value is 1in 50 and the maximum (flattest) slope allowed is 1 in 10,000.

Default Criteria values for different canal Levels

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The following table summarizes default values set to different canal levels upon generation of default design criteria set.

Parameter MC, PC SC TC QC, FC, …
Prefered/Max Drop Height(m) 2 [0.800, 0.100, 1.500] 0.75 0.5
Minimum Drop Height(m) 0.5 0.25 0.25 0.2
Min Control spacing(m) 30 [15.000, 150.000] 10 10
Fit Height(m) -99 -0.5 -0.4 0.3
Fit Type (-) last last last last

Mean Dia of Material, d50(mm) 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
Angle of Repose, (deg) 35 35 35 35
Spec. Gravity, g/cm3 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65

Canal Duty(l/s/ha) 2.2 1.8 1.75 1.7
Min. FSL-OGL @ Controls(m) 0.2 0.2 0.15 0.15
FSL-OGL Control Type USControl USControl USControl USControl
Min. FSL-OGL @ Reach(m) -99 -99 -99 0.15
Min.Drv. Head @ Control(m) 0.2 0.2 0.15 0.1
Branch Invert Raise(-) Free Free Free Free
Canal Lining type, Ltyp(-) 0 -1 -1 -1
Lining Thickness, Thk(m) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
Foundation Thickness, THK(m) 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6
Earth cut shape, Smc(-) [2.000, 1.500, Inf] [1.000, 1.500, Inf] [0.800, 1.500, Inf] [0.600, 1.500, Inf]
Earth fill shape, Smf(-) [2.000, 2.000, Inf] [1.000, 1.750, Inf] [0.800, 1.750, Inf] [0.600, 1.500, Inf]
Canal Top Provission 0 0 0 0
Min. Design Discharge(m3/sec) 0.5 0.1 0.05 0.03
Design B to D ratio(-) -1 -1 -1 -1
Limiting Velocity(m/sec) [0.300, 2.000] [0.300, 0.800] [0.300, 0.700] [0.300, 0.700]
Max. All. Shear Stress (Kg/m2) 10 3 3 3
Mannings Roughness, N(-) 0.014 0.03 0.03 0.03
Freeboard, FB(m) -1 0.3 0.25 0.2
Canal Side Slope, m(-) 1 1 1 1
Bed Slope, So(m/m) 5000 1000 2000 750

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