
CanalNETWORK software product

Well come,

This is official site for documentation and guide of CanalNetwork software, and related products. This site is routinely maintained and updated by Quanomic ITES PLC.

We will continually update this site to provide information on progress and latest developments.

This site will also be the platform for online documentation. Contents relevant to software users will soon be available with a link on this page.

Update Logs

Learn about the most recent updates for CanalNET and DrainNET here.

Latest Updates for Jan 2025

Rich documentation of previous updates is maintained below for ease of reference. Feel free to explore and learn more, how our product(s) are evolving.

Go to Older Updates here

This page contains high level outline of avilable topics on this online documentation resource. Click on the link to navigate to the topic.

This online resource site is under continuous development and enhancement. New contents will be added frequently, and additions and enhancements are published often. Please make sure you always have the most up-to-date reference to our products by directly accessing this resource site.

Click on the topics to navigate to each section. To come back to this page, click on the Back to Home link at the top of each section.

1. Introducing CanalNET and Its Capabilities

2. About Design Criteria

3. Creating & Managing Design Criteria

4. Layout Plans and Network Resolution

5. Farm Blocks and Network Sizing

6. Longitudinal Design of Canals

7. Design of Canal Structures using Floating Nodes.

8. Design Production

9. Construction Tools (NEW)

10. DrainNET Product Use

Technical Information

Additional technical details are available in below list:

1. Surface Modelling and Profile Calculations in iCAD

2. Flow section design in CanalNETWORK

3. Design of Drop Structures

4. Design of Division Box Structures

5. Hydraulic Jumps and Energy Dessipation Mechanisms (In progress)

More technical documents will be posted soon.

Also review below technical materials. Note, the links will take you to a private space in google drive and use google docs to view the document. Feel free to download and use the matierials at convenience.

+ Validation of Key iCAD modules and functions

+ Modelling Capability of iCAD Modules

How To Articles

Below you will find short articles that provide guidance to tackle specific design tasks usung iCAD and/ or CanalNETWORK product. Using the techniques and tips included in this article can increase productivity significantly. The contents may not be included in the user guides listed above (under the section Online Documentation).

1. Using ProfileJET tool

2. Partial Import for Layout Prepration

3. Creating a Design Criteria File

4. Managing Your Work Space

5. Using Alternative Data Source

6. Profile Extraction for Network of Canals

7. Collaborating on Large Projects

8. Design of Canal Structures using Floating Nodes

9. Understanding FLow Check in CanalNETWORK

10. Plot Box generation and use

Stay tuned for more content on techniques and tips to tackle complex design tasks with ease and efficiency using out products.

Older Updates

Older update documentations are listed below.

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